New Paths to Opioid Addiction to Watch Out For
Opioid addiction is a rising epidemic in the United States. Thousands of people are currently in need of opioid addiction treatment. Although there are always the classic ways to become addicted such as surgery, chronic pain, and trying drugs like heroin, people are always coming up with new paths to addiction.
Pill Parties or Skittles Parties
Pill parties started in college dorms but rapidly spread to other age groups. According to Fox News, Denver, people raid medicine cabinets and other outlets for prescription drugs. Some of the most coveted drugs are:
- benzodiazepines
- painkillers
- ADHD medication
- Sleeping pills
All of these pills are mixed into a bowl and people just grab anything and take it. Mixing medications like this is extremely dangerous and you can rapidly wind up in the emergency room with a bad reaction or an overdose.
If you are participating in skittles parties or pill parties to maintain your addiction, you should seek drug treatment immediately. For a qualified treatment facility call 800-466-0354 ( Who Answers?).
Elective Surgeries

Some opioid addicts get their drugs through social media.
Elective surgeries are relatively new on the addiction front. Some people are even scheduling elective surgery to get the drugs that most surgeons ask you to fill before your surgery. Once they have the prescription and the drugs, they cancel or postpone the surgery.
This is an extreme measure when it comes to getting opioid medications. Since surgeons generally give out strong pain medication, it is easy to see why addicts use this method. If you find yourself trying this, it is definitely time to find a treatment center for your opioid addiction.
Through Social Media
Social media is one way addicts are contacting dealers. Using social media you can communicate using code or other means to receive the drugs that you want. Unfortunately, using social media is dangerous and law enforcement can easily track your purchases.
Using social media to supply a drug habit is one of the things hardcore addicts do. Considering this as a viable option to receive opioid drugs is a sign that you are no longer in control of your drug use.
Teenage Opioid Abuse Rates on the Rise – Spotting Signs of Opioid Abuse in Your Teen
The Internet
According to Forbes Magazine it is now possible to use anonymous surfing software to purchase opioids and opiates online. Anyone can download this software for free, search for their opioid or other drug of choice, and purchase it without ever leaving the comfort of their home.
If you are even considering using an anonymous website to purchase opioids without a prescription or in addition to your prescription, you need to seek treatment immediately. This is a clear sign that you are addicted to the drug and in need of help.
Finding the Treatment that you Need
If you are doing any of these things to obtain opioids or other illegal drugs, it is important to seek treatment right away. Using any one of these methods is a sign that your addiction has gone beyond what you can control and you need help. To find the help that you need, in a treatment center that is right for you, all you have to do is call 800-466-0354 ( Who Answers?).